Are you presently utilizing one or more inhalers? If your response is affirmative, this service could be tailored to meet your needs.

It’s important to understand that using your inhaler correctly is paramount to maximizing its benefits. The Inhaler Technique Review and Training Service has been developed to enhance the care of individuals with respiratory conditions. This service focuses on a targeted review of your inhaler technique and offers training to ensure that you are using your inhalers correctly.

The interventions provided by this service may involve guidance on proper inhaler usage and the creation of a plan to enhance your adherence. Additionally, we will engage in a discussion about the effective utilization of both regular and as-needed inhalers, ensuring that you comprehend the distinctions between the various types of inhalers you may be using. If there is a need to change your inhaler, dosage, or frequency, we can coordinate with your GP and make the necessary referrals.

If you are currently relying on inhalers, don’t hesitate to inquire with your pharmacy about your eligibility for this service.

On October 1, 2021, the NHS initiated the implementation of a novel healthcare service, known as the Hypertension Case-Finding Service. This initiative stemmed from a pilot program conducted by NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I) in 2020, during which community pharmacies provided blood pressure assessments to individuals aged 40 and above.

The primary objective of this program was to assess the feasibility of identifying cases of undiagnosed cardiovascular disease, which stands as a leading contributor to premature mortality in England. With the aim of enhancing the identification of elevated blood pressure, the commissioned service is now in full operation, accessible to the public through community pharmacies throughout England.

(NHS) Seasonal flu vaccination service